Support The Children
Our local First Respnders have carried used stuffed animals on board their vehicles, to share some comfort to children in need, during times of emergency or crisis.
Now with COVID19 they have had to stop using used or donated bears.
OnTRAK learned of this and we have made it out mission to provide New Bears to our local 1st Responders, to give the children in need. This effort will help attain our vision to acheive a community of caring by giving a positive view of our Police Officers, Firefighters, EMTs, and Sheriff's Deputies through our children and their families when they are in need.
After working with the supplier and ordering in larger quantity, we were able to get the bears down to about $10, so every $20 will sponsor two bears! Please be a Hero to a child, and Support our Heroes. 100% of sponsorship funds received will go into the program to purchase additonal bears. Thank you for your Support!
Support First Responders
Our Local area has over 120 men and women serving in Police, Fire and Local Sheriff Deputies. That number does not include local Cal Fire or Military Personnel.
Our First Responders are Heroes. They run towards trouble where others would run away. They are always helping our communities both local and beyond. OnTRAK believes they deserve to get something back in recognition and appreciation. Donations to the Support 1st Responders Fund makes it so we can gift them with discounted or free Holistic Chiropractic Services and Free use of our 3D Medical Breakthrough Massage Chair.
On TRAK is working to keep our community going in a positive direction:
We are a Non-profit Organization built to help our community come together to support the members of our community who protect & serve us on a daily basis. We are here to reach out to others and help them make a difference in the lives of others, making the world a better place, one day at a time.

You Can Help Too...
Wether you donate money or time, your help, your skills, or your knowledge is valuable, and needed. We accept Volunteers to help keep paying it forward, while keeping the community On TRAK!
SMILE.AMAZON.COM is a great way to support the charity organization of your choice. Amazon will kindly donate 0.5% of the profits from your purchases, when you check out through this Amazon Smile site. Follow the link to the left in order to help our Charity Organization. Once you are set up to help us out, you can navigate directly to Amazon Smile and log in to your account each time you make your purchases to continue supporting the cause. Thank you in advance for your contributions!